Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 88: Reading Comprehension

kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 88

English Academy – Dalam bangku sekolah terdapat mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. Pada uraian ini akan dijelaskan mengenai soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 88. Di halaman 88 ini membahas mengenai reading comprehension.

Bagi kamu yang saat ini masih duduk di bangku Sekolah menengah atas alias SMA, terlebih kelas 12 maka wajib simak artikel ini sampai selesai. Karena pada artikel ini akan dibantu dalam menyelesaikan soal soal yang ada di halaman 88 ini.

Bentuk soalnya adalah uraian, jadi dalam menjawabnya wajib diberikan penjelasan yang lengkap supaya nyambung dengan apa yang ditanyakan pada soa yang ada di halaman tersebut.

Bagi yang penasaran maka langsung saja simak selengkapnya dibawah ini:

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 88


Task 3: Do the comprehension questions

Answer the following questions by referring to the text from the newspaper above.

1. What is the main problem faced by the parents?

Jawaban: The main problem faced by the parents is the online school registration system.

2. Why did the parents feel disappointed with the online system?

Jawaban: The parents feel disappointed with the online system because according to them it was disorganized and made it difficult for them to register their children for enrollment in public schools.

3. Who was rejected from school due to his/her height?

Jawaban: Riki Setyanto’s daughter got rejected due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school.

4. What happened to Nuraisyah Paransa’s son?

Jawaban: Her son was initially accepted at East Jakarta public school through the public admission phase. However, he did not re-register with that school as he wanted to shoot for a better state-run school through the local admission phase.

5. Mention some technical problems in the registration using the online system.

Jawaban: For example to Riki Setyanto’s daughter can’t register to any school because her name is still listed for schools that rejected her because of height matters. Second, Nuraisyah Paransa’s son was rejected in the second options school because he didn’t re-register at the first school.

6. What makes the online system problematic this year?

Jawaban: Because this year student admission system has three phases; public admission, local admission, and third admission. So it’s becoming more complicated.

7. Why do people prefer public schools to private schools?

Jawaban: According to one parent, a lot of people have chosen public schools over private schools for financial reasons.

8. If you were one of the parents, what would you do to deal with the problems in the online system?

Jawaban: I will keep calm and not panic, then, I will ask the authorities and ask for an answer that does not harm the other party but also does not give up our rights as students and parents.

9. What do you think about the acting governor’s response to the parents’ protests?

Jawaban: In my opinion, it’s good because it will not trigger more worried parents as they have been told to be patient and not panic, as long as the government is fixing the system.

10. If you were the acting governor, how would you respond to the parents’ concerns?

Jawaban: I would tell the head of the Jakarta Education Agency that the system should be repaired and told the parents that they should not be panic and reschedule follow-up for admission to public schools.

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 88. Dengan adanya jawaban ini maka bagi yang kesulitan akan merasa terbantu. Sehingga dapat dengan mudah untuk menyelesaikan soal soal yang ada di halaman 88 ini.

Namun perlu diingat bahwa jawaban ini tidak sepenuhnya benar. Kamu bisa bandingkan dengan sumber referensi lainnya. Supaya lebih yakin dalam menyelesaikan soal yang ada di halaman 12 ini.(*)


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