English Academy – Dalam bangku sekolah terdapat mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. Pada uraian ini akan dibahas mengenai soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 68. Pada halaman 68 akan dibahas mengenai tenants advised to obey regulations on apartment.
Bagi kamu yang saat ini masih duduk di bangku SMA terlebih kelas 12 maka jangan skip artikel ini. Karena pada artikel kini akan dibahas dalam menyelesaikan soal yang ada di halaman 68 ini.
Pada halaman 68 ini terdapat sepuluh soal yang berbentuk uraian. Bagi yang penasaran maka langsung saja simak selengkapnya dibawah ini:
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 68
Task 5: Read the text.
Read the following text carefully. Answer the comprehension questions briefly.
1. What is the source of the text?
– The source of the text is from a news text, The Jakarta Post, May 9, 2014.
2. What is the text about? What is the social function of the text?
– The text is about an advice that tenants must obey certain regulations when living in an apartment.
– The social function of the text is to inform people on what the difference between living in a landed-house and apartment complete with its regulation.
3. Which one is the headline? Write it down.
– The headline is in the title of the text.
“Tenants advised to obey regulations on apartment.”
4. Why do you think living in an apartment is getting popular?
– There is no more land to build houses.
– It is more practical for single city people
– The price is lower than the landed-house.
5. Can you identify some regulations of living in an apartment? What are they
– Pets regulation according to each owner of the apartment.
– Quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily.
– Tenant is responsible for the cleanliness of area in front of their apartment and for any common area used by tenant or their guest.
6. Who sets the regulations?
– The one who sets the regulation is the owner of the apartment.
7. Did you find any information about who in the text?
– Yes, I did.
– a building architect
– tenants
– owner
8. Did you find any information about where in the text?
– The where in the text is apartment in Jakarta.
– According to the speaker, the trend of living in an apartment in Jakarta started only 10 years ago.
9. Did you find any information about what in the text?
– Yes, I did.
– The information about the difference between landed-house and apartment and its regulations.
10. Did you find any information about why in the text?
– Yes, I did.
It is an useful information because many people didn’t know about ccertain regulation when living in an apartment which much more different from living in a landed-house.
Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 14 halaman 68. Dengan adanya jawaban ini maka bagi yang kesulitan akan merasa terbantu. Namun, sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa kunci jawaban yang telah kami sampaikan di atas tidaklah mutlak benar.
Meskipun kami telah berusaha memberikan jawaban yang paling tepat, kemungkinan adanya kekeliruan tetap ada. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat menganjurkan agar kamu membandingkan jawaban ini dengan sumber referensi lain yang juga kredibel dan dapat dipercaya.
Jangan hanya terpaku pada satu sumber saja; cobalah untuk mencari jawaban yang lebih lengkap dan sesuai dengan pemahamanmu.(*)